'On A Cliff With You'

Ben Arent

by David Allan Cates

If we were both

hanging from a cliff

by one hand

you'd tell me how scary

it is to be hanging

from a cliff

by one hand

and we'd talk about

how it makes you feel

and how your hand


and how the sun

is setting.

I'd be wondering

how long

I could endure

and we'd talk

about how long you thought

you could endure

and then

you'd tell me everything

you learned

about enduring

as long as you had.

I'd listen and watch

night fall

and a light go on

as you suddenly noticed

me hanging

and praised my heroic endurance

and said how ashamed

you felt

to have talked

so long

when I was suffering too.

I'd say that's okay

and you'd say it isn't

and I'd say okay

it wasn't

and you'd laugh

and we'd both be silent


in the dark.


just when I'd think

my hand could not hold on

another moment

you'd find a ledge

yes, you

to put your feet on

and I don't know how

but you'd help me find it too.

We'd let ourselves down


and sit safely

on the ledge

under the stars

dangling our legs.

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David Allan Cates is the author of five novels, Hunger In America, a New York Times Notable Book, X Out Of Wonderland and Freeman Walker, both Montana Book Award Honor Books, and in 2012, Ben Armstrong’s Strange Trip Home, winner of a Gold Medal for Best Fiction in the 2013 Independent Book Publishers Book Awards.

His fifth novel, Tom Connor’s Gift, was released by Bangtail Press in October of 2014, and also won a Gold Medal for Best Fiction in the 2015 independent Book Publishers Book awards.

Cates is the winner of the 2010 Montana Arts Council’s Innovative Artist Award and his short story, “Rubber Boy,” (Glimmer Train 70) is a distinguished story in the 2010 Best American Short Stories. His stories and poems have appeared in numerous literary magazines, and his travel articles in Outside Magazine and the New York Times Sophisticated Traveler.

"On A Cliff With You" was published in Cates' 2016 collection The Mysterious Location of Krygzstan.


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Chérie Newman is an arts and humanities producer and on-air host for Montana Public Radio, and a freelance writer. Her weekly literary program, The Write Question, is broadcast on several public radio stations, and available online at PRX.org and MTPR.org.