Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders brought his message that he’s the champion for the the middle- and working-classes at a Rally in Billings last night.
Sanders specifically singled out workers in the fossil fuels industry.
“I know,” he says. “I know that I am in coal country.”
But he says he feels obliged to be honest and bring the same message to Montana that he does to his home state Vermont.
“And that is that we have a moral responsibility to make certain that the planet that we leave our kids and our grandchildren is a planet that is healthy and habitable,” says Sanders.
Sanders says that transition away from fossil fuels can take place while still being pro-worker.
“And I believe that if we are smart, we do not have to make the trade-off jobs versus environment,” he says. “We can do both.”
His plan is to invest $41 billion to help impacted communities. That money would be used for job retraining, health care, education, and other needs.
Sanders faces Hillary Clinton on Montana’s June 7th primary election ballot.
Sanders supporter Bruce Ruckstad of Billings came with his wife and son to the rally. He disagrees with political observers that the outcome of the race has been decided among Democrats.
“Oh, I don’t think it’s over,” he says. “I think he has a shot.”
When asked if he would vote for Hillary Clinton if she becomes the nominee after the Democratic National Convention, Ruckstad says he hasn’t decided.
“My son is absolutely not. There’s a lot of Bernie supporters that do say no but I think she’s better than the alternative,” he says. It’s a reference to the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.
He is worried Sanders supporters would stay home and not vote if that’s the case. Ruckstad says that would just hurt other Democratic candidates further down on the ballot.
At the end of the rally, Sanders urges Montanans to vote in large numbers. He also called on the delegates to the Democratic Convention to reflect the will of the voters.
One of the Super Delegates is Jean Lemire Dahlman, a farm and ranch partner near Forsyth. She is uncommitted.
“We are not endorsing any candidate yet,” Dahlman says. “We want to wait until Montana has its own primary June 7th then we’ll announce who we’re endorsing.”
Besides the Rally in Billings, Sanders also held an event in Missoula.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced former President Bill Clinton will campaign in Billings on her behalf on Friday, May 20, 2016. A press release from the campaign says details will be released soon.