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The Dead of Night: January 2024

January 2024: A Year in Review
Montana’s Live Music: we take a look back at the music that played across Montana in 2023, including some of our favorite Montana Dead Bands.

January 12: The Grateful Dead in the 1980s
Granville Ganter, professor of English and President of the Grateful Dead Studies Association, discusses perhaps the most controversial topic in Grateful Dead conversations.

January 19
Phil Garfinkel, host of the Forests of Fennario on KBOO's Grateful Dead and Friends, shares stories of early Grateful Dead radio and following the Dead.

January 26: Guest DJ
Aimee Brown takes over the setlist as guest DJ! It’s a truly beautiful set of songs.

Stay Connected
Dr. Sue Balter-Reitz is a Professor of Communication at Montana State University Billings. She studies freedom of expression and visual argument. Sue is a member of the Grateful Dead Studies Association and has published and presented research on the Grateful Dead to a variety of audiences.