Evening Newscast: Wednesday, Mar 15

  • A split Montana Supreme Court has ruled that a person's blood is not evidence that can be tampered with until it is removed from the body — even
    if a judge has issued a warrant authorizing a blood draw.
  • A Montana legislative committee has voted against a bill to set up a fund for firefighters who develop lung diseases as a result of their duties.
  • A new study suggests global warming often leads to
    global shrinking of mammals
  • Montana lawmakers are considering a 6 percent sales tax
    on medical marijuana
  • Montana lawmakers are poised to foot the bill to defend
    a state senator who is being sued under the state's public records act to release her emails
  • When winter weather conditions closed almost every
    road in out of Jackson last month, Teton County was left without most of its first
    responders because they couldn't get to work
  • The recent signing of a bill that will help educate future generations about Wyoming's native population is being praised by advocates who
    pushed for years to get it passed
  • Butte police are clearing out space in the city jail in
    anticipation of a rowdy St. Patrick's Day
  • Montana officials estimate the state would have to pay
    an extra $126 million a year to continue its Medicaid expansion program under federal
    legislation proposed to replace the Affordable Care Act.


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Lyman Gillen is a multi instrumentalist based out of Billings, MT. He is interning at KEMC while he finishes his degree in music business. He works as a private business consultant and multimedia producer, with some notable clients being Kiesel Guitars, Wired Guitarist, Montana Storms, and Amplify Downtown. He is an avid guitarist, photographer, and videographer, and can be spotted in his natural habitat producing media in his studio.