Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - commonly called bird flu, is a naturally occurring virus in birds.
It is extremely infectious and fatal to poultry and some species of wild birds and waterfowl.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers the risk of HPAI spreading to humans to be very low, however, Chrissy Web, with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks says Montanans should take precautions when handling game birds or any sick or dead bird they find. That includes those that your cat or dog might come across.
“If they find a dead bird, keep them from chewing on it, eating any portion of that. And also, I know it can be quite challenging keeping them from eating any bird excrement,” Webb said.
Those who keep backyard chickens are also advised to keep an eye out for any unusual behavior in their flock.
“If they're totally confined to a backyard and you know waterfowl don't end up in your backyard it’s probably okay. But if you have chickens that are a little bit more free range and have more flexibility and where they're going, and there's a risk of them interacting with waterfowl we do suggest taking precautions,” Webb said.”
Avian flu typically spikes in the fall and winter when waterfowl are migrating, with numbers dropping in the summertime.
People in the area with bird feeders are encouraged to take those down for now. You can find a list of more precautions and additional information here: