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One-Time Donation

The most frequent way of giving to YPR….YPR depends on support from many sources, but our biggest source is our listeners. An annual donation in any amount makes you a YPR member for one year. 

Our donors give a wide range of amounts, ranging from $10 to $25,000, with the average gift being $135. Whatever you can give is appreciated and needed to continue bringing you the best public radio in our region. Many separate gifts can be given during the year, but membership for the year starts at the time of your initial donation and lasts one year from that time. Many supporters give additional gifts, especially during our annual Spring and Fall Pledge Drives.
To make a one time pledge, click here.

Mail your check or credit card pledge to us at

Friends of Yellowstone Public Radio
1500 University Drive
Billings, MT 59101

Tax Credit:

All gifts to YPR are tax-deductible, as YPR is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Our Federal Tax ID# is: 81-0402593. For each one-time donation, your thank you letter will include the tax-deductible information, with any Thank You Gift values noted to deduct from the total donation.


Membership information including your name, address and contact information is secure with us. We will never sell, exchange or give your information to another entity. We ask for it only for our own billing and contact needs. Please make sure to keep your email address current with us, as it is the fastest and cheapest means of communicating with you, should we need to contact you about your membership.

Join or Renew today, and Thank You for your Support!