Yellowstone Public Radio is part of the Montana State University system and does not file an independent form 990.
For more information contact Ken Siebert at 800-441-2941 or 406-657-2945.
Public Files
Equal Employment Opportunity at Yellowstone Public Radio
As a unit of Montana State University Billings, all employee recruitment for Yellowstone Public Radio (KEMC-FM) is in keeping with EEO policies of the University and directed by the University’s Human Resources Office.
Equal employment opportunity at Yellowstone Public Radio (KEMC-FM) shall be afforded to all qualified persons, and no person shall be discriminated against because of race, color, religion, national origin, age or sexual orientation. Please read the full MSU Billings Equal Employment Opportunity & Affirmative Action Commitment Policy Statement.
Diversity in Recruiting
Yellowstone Public Radio seeks to enhance diversity by recognizing and embracing the differences in age, ideas and perspectives, disabilities, creed, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, national origin, race, religious and spiritual beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, and the socioeconomic and geographic composition of its staff.
Employment Opportunities
none currently available
Audited Financial Statements
FY23 Audited Financial Statement
FY22 Audited Financial Statement
Local Content and Services Report
FY23 Local Content And Services Report
FY22 Local Content And Services Report
EEO Report
2024 EEO Report
2023 EEO Report
Community Representation Statement
Yellowstone Public Radio is striving to become inclusive to all historically marginalized communities. Our policies and practices will work toward dismantling ingrained systems of inequities to create and maintain a safe, supportive and diverse workplace.
We acknowledge the harm we’ve caused to communities and colleagues not part of the dominant culture. We will take meaningful actions to transform Yellowstone Public Radio systems that perpetuate inequality. We will also adopt a mindset of active listening and openness to allow for direct and sometimes uncomfortable conversations that help us unlearn ingrained patterns of hegemony.
To deepen our engagement with our community, we must first understand our personal and institutional roles of favoritism and privilege. Our coverage then will amplify underrepresented voices and challenge narratives that normalize systemic exclusion. This work is paramount to fulfilling our mission of serving our entire community.
We strive to provide educational, informational and cultural content that meets the needs of the community we serve. Our activities and practices are consistent with the Equal Employment Opportunity provisions and other applicable federal and state laws. To achieve these goals we provide ongoing education to staff and mentor student interns and host community conversations.
We acknowledge and honor, with respect, the Indigenous Nations on whose traditional homelands Montana State University Billings and Yellowstone Public Radio now stands and whose historical and cultural relationships with the land continue to this day. Many Indigenous peoples thrive in this place—alive and strong.