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Montana, Wyoming Girl Scouts start cookie pre-sale

Kay Erickson
Kay Erickson

Friday, January 31, is the kickoff of a favorite season in Montana—Girl Scout Cookie season.

Girl Scouts around Montana and Wyoming will have their pencils sharpened to take orders for any and all of the 9 cookie varieties available from Montana scouts for pre-order: Thin Mints, Caramel deLites (Samoas), Peanut Butter Patties (Tagalongs), Peanut Butter Sandwich (Do-si-dos), Trefoils, Adventurefuls, Lemonades, Toast-Yay and Gluten and Allergen Free Caramel Chocolate Chip cookies.

And for those who really like the Toast-Yay, this is the last year this cookie variety it will be available so you better stock up.

The yearly sales program provides scouts with valuable skills says Briana Rickman, Director of Fund Development for Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming.

“They are learning about goal setting, people skills,” says Rickman. ” They are learning about how to talk to people and really have that confidence to sell themselves and their product. They are learning about business ethics, money management and they are also learning about decision making.”

Rickman says the scouts decide how they want to spend their cookie proceeds and what they want to do to give back to their community.

Presale runs from January 31 to February 16. Cookie delivery will be in mid to late March.

Kay Erickson has been working in broadcasting in Billings for more than 20 years. She spent well over a decade as news assignment editor at KTVQ-TV before joining the staff at YPR. She is a graduate of Northern Illinois University, with a degree in broadcast journalism. Shortly after graduation she worked in Great Falls where she was one of the first female sports anchor and reporter in Montana.