Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Gianforte said he will continue to support Presidential candidate Donald Trump. The businessman from Bozeman was asked about his support after the Washington Post released a 2005 video late last week in which Trump used vulgar language in talking about women.
Gianforte and Governor Steve Bullock faced off October 8, 2016 during the final Gubernatorial debate, sponsored by the MTN Television Network.
“I had said previously I would vote for Donald Trump,” he said. “I reluctantly continue to believe that would be the right course.”
Gianforte said it’s to prevent Hillary Clinton from being elected.
“I wish I had a different choice, but this is the choice we’re left with,” he said.
Gianforte called Trump’s comments outrageous, inappropriate, and offensive. In the video, Trump used obscene language about groping and forcing himself sexually on women.
Gianforte, a Bozeman businessman, said this is why he thinks Montana needs strong leadership at the state level.
Bullock said he doesn’t agree with Hillary Clinton’s positions on guns or coal.
“But what Mr. Trump said isn’t appropriate for a dog catcher let alone a presidential candidate,” said Bullock.
He said it’s appalling and more than locker room talk because it was about assaulting women.