The U-S Ambassador to Slovakia, Gautam Rana, will be visiting Montana this week–stopping in schools in Billings and the Crow Nation.
One of his featured presentations will kick-off a week-long series of lectures, concerts, and conversations between Billings neighbors on pressing issues facing the city beginning Wednesday night, April 10.
YPR’s Orlinda Worthington shares details.
From his 7th floor office at Montana State University Billings, Paul Foster has been planning a week-long summit focused on culture, community, and educating students about the rest of the world.
“So what we hope to accomplish is bringing a global perspective into this conversation,” Foster said.
Foster, the executive director of the MSUB international studies department, says the Neighbors and Neighborhood summit…will feature a special presentation from the U-S Ambassador to Slovakia who will be visiting Billings for four days.
“Slovakia is a really important member of NATO at this point because it borders Ukraine. The fact that he is able to take time out of his busy schedule and join us in Billings is I think something really remarkable and it probably speaks to our ability to attract people to Billings, people that want to learn more about Montana,” Foster said.
The symposium will focus on five areas that unite the community, one of which is education.
“What are the skills that we really should be exposing our students to that they need to really compete in the global environment? We know that so many jobs now are open online or hybrid. So the pool of people to apply for those jobs is huge. What do we as educators need to prepare them for in this, this world,” Foster said.
Other topics include Culture, Civic Engagement, Ethnic Diversity, and Human Security.
Events kick off with the ambassador’s talk at 6 p.m., April 10, at the MSU Billings Library. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
In Billings I’m Orlinda Worthington
More information can be found here: