Aaron Bolton
Aaron is Montana Public Radio's Flathead reporter.
A dramatic increase in the number of homeless seniors nationwide is overwhelming services for unhoused people.
The number of seniors who are homeless has increased dramatically. This "gray wave" is being driven by inflation and a lack of affordable housing, especially for older people with disabilities.
A Supreme Court ruling eliminated the requirement of sheltering homeless people in some states. Advocates worry the ruling also motivates cities hostile to shelters to get rid of them altogether.
Famed Cellist Yo-Yo Ma has a project dedicated to promoting and celebrating ecological healing. That led him to Glacier National Park to play for a herd of newly reintroduced bison.
Amid Montana’s recent heat wave health officials warned of its danger and the importance of staying cool. But now that temperatures are dropping, the impacts of the heat are unclear.
New research indicates the uptick in requests for sterilization following the Dobbs decision on abortion was not a temporary trend. Nationally, numbers of tubal ligations and vasectomies are up.
The Montana Department of Justice is blocking access to what it calls privileged documents showing its communication with a Canadian mining company. An environmental group is now suing to access the information.
Veteran and low-income homeowners have until Monday to apply for property tax assistance programs.
The Montana Primary Care Association is launching a program to help people who lost Medicaid during the state’s evaluation process reapply.
The U.S. and tribal governments make progress against contaminated coal mine runoff from British Columbia, which has been polluting Montana and Idaho for years.