Billings Meteorologist in Charge Keith Meier is retiring after more than 30 years with the National Weather Service.
You're not imagining it — there are a lot of moths this year. But Billings is just one stop in the harmless miller moth's journey west.
Sheridan Electric Cooperative is still working to get residential customers back on line before another storm slams the region, but says commercial customers might not get power back until next month.
Forecasters are predicting up to 12 inches of snow to fall in lower elevations, and up to 20 inches in the mountains starting Tuesday through early Wednesday. Unseasonably cold, below-freezing temperatures and gusty winds are expected through Thursday.
After making significant gains in December, Montana’s mountain snowpack level took a slight dip in January.
Fluctuating temperatures caused ice jams and flooding near Ennis, Three Forks and Logan earlier this month.
Montana is on track to close out November with record-setting warmth, but seasonal conditions are right around the corner, forecasters say.
According to the Energy Information Administration’s Short-Term Energy Outlook, “energy prices are expected to remain volatile this winter due to supply uncertainty and changing consumer demand.”
Power to more than 10,000 Flathead Electric Cooperative members went out Monday night in northwest Montana as strong winds pushed across the region. Thousands of people remain without power.
La Niña, a band of cooler-than-normal ocean water, is once again setting up in the Pacific. This could have far reaching implications not only on Montana’s winter conditions, but our deep drought as well.