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Montana D.C. Delegation Split On Bill To Investigate U.S. Capitol Riot

Joshua Hughes, wearing a red beanie, walks through an aisle in the Senate Chamber. Jerod Hughes stands nearby looking at papers atop a desk.
U.S. Department of Justice
Joshua Calvin Hughes and Jerod Wade Hughes walk through the Senate Chamber on Jan. 6, 2021. The screenshot was taken from a criminal complaint document filed in the District of Columbia on Jan. 28, 2021.

Montana’s Congressional delegation is split along party lines over a proposal to form a commission to investigate the January insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Montana’s sole U.S. Representative voted against the bill that would create a bipartisan commission to investigate the events surrounding and factors influencing the attack on the Capitol and provide recommendations to prevent a similar incident.

House Passes Bill To Investigate Capitol Riot, But Its Fate In Senate Is Unclear

Thirty-five Republicans joined House Democrats to pass the bill Wednesday.

Rep. Matt Rosendale was unavailable for comment by deadline.

A spokesperson for Republican Sen. Steve Daines said in an email that Daines feels the commission duplicates existing Senate investigations into Capitol security flaws and that it will become a “political rehashing of President Trump’s impeachment trial.”

Democratic Sen. Jon Tester said in a statement a commission is needed to investigate what happened and why, and to ensure it never happens again.

The proposal goes next to the Senate.

Six Montanans have been charged for their alleged participation in the capitol riot.

Kayla writes about energy policy, the oil and gas industry and new electricity developments.