An 11-year-old tribal policy allows law enforcement to put members who threaten or attempt suicide in jail or juvenile detention to prevent another attempt. And tribal leaders say that unless they can attract mental health workers to remote northeastern Montana, the jailings will likely continue.
Montana’s American Civil Liberties Union and the Native American Rights Fund filed a lawsuit against the state of Montana on behalf of Montana tribes last week. The lawsuit alleges that requirements to teach Native American history in Montana public schools are not being met.
A lawsuit filed by five tribal nations and 18 individuals alleges the state of Montana has failed to ensure that K-12 public schools are teaching Indigenous history and culture.
Tribal nation leaders and conservation groups sent a letter to Montana’s governor Tuesday urging him to veto two bison management bills.
Following Gov. Greg Gianforte’s announcement that all Montanans will be eligible for COVID-19 vaccines on Apr. 1, YPR News’ Kaitlyn Nicholas looked into how vaccine rollout is going in tribal nations across Montana, where the vaccine is already available to everyone.
Montana’s legislature is considering four bison-related bills this session. The two bills that would have helped tribal nations expand bison herds were voted down, while tribal leaders say the surviving bills could harm long-standing bison management on reservations.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tuesday announced that it issued compliance orders to correct violations for water systems on the Blackfeet and...
Business owners and community members in northeastern Montana say they were looking forward to the added tax dollars and customer base the Keystone XL pipeline would have brought into the area before President Joe Biden cancelled a vital permit for the development.
Montana lawmakers heard impassioned testimony this week on a bill that would allow non-tribal members to hunt on privately owned lands within Native American reservations.
A vital water crossing certification for the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline is in limbo after environmental groups challenged Montana’s recent issuance of a water quality certification. The state’s decision and an appeal comes during a transition in state and federal administrations.