One year after historic floods washed out roads in and around Yellowstone National Park, the park is mostly recovered and open for business as usual.
Buying a home in Wyoming is becoming more expensive. And it may not change anytime soon.
Continued high prices and mortgage rate increases have further deteriorated housing affordability in Gallatin County, according to the 2023 Gallatin Valley housing report released earlier this month.
Around 250 people attended a tenant’s town hall in Bozeman on Sunday where members of Bozeman Tenants United urged city commissioners to ban some types of short term rentals as a way to add more housing inventory for local renters.
As Gallatin County businesses continue to struggle to hire employees with the high cost of housing in the area, a new housing fund will allow those businesses to become part of the solution.
A community foundation in southwest Montana is launching a coalition to help develop affordable housing solutions in the area.
Landlords could have an easier time canceling some contracts with renters under a proposal in the state Legislature. The policy is designed to speed up the eviction of tenants who refuse to let a landlord access property.
Bridger View is being regarded as one of the most sustainable in the Rocky Mountain West. The neighborhood also aims to be a model of affordability — half of the eight-acre development's 62 homes are priced below market.
Delays in assistance are already leaving some low-income renters in a bind.
Montana’s hot real estate market is making it harder and more expensive to conserve grizzly bear habitats. Nonprofit conservation groups trying to connect isolated bear populations face the challenge of a growing human population and the rising cost of land.