Environmental regulators are in Billings this month wrapping up testing within a plume of groundwater contamination from nearby dry cleaning operations.
The proposed deal will finish remediation that has been ongoing since the 1990s, replacing contaminated yards in Anaconda and Opportunity, and closing off remaining slag piles.
Years’ worth of pollution from dry cleaners dumping chemicals down the drain could be leaking into residents’ homes.
Work to clean up two contaminated ponds bordering the Flathead River at the Columbia Falls Aluminum Company Superfund site was completed earlier this...
The state of Montana is adding extra cleanup measures at a former wood treatment plant turned Superfund site in Butte.
State and federal officials say a large mining clean up project in Montana is nearly complete and open for recreation.
The parties in charge of the sprawling 300 square mile Anaconda Smelter Superfund Site Friday lodged a partial legally-binding cleanup deal in federal...
The Environmental Protection Agency’s second in command returned to Butte and Anaconda this week to celebrate major milestones in their decades-long...
A final deal signed by a federal judge this week outlining cleanup of century old mining waste in Butte means there’s going to be a flurry of work...
Butte’s $150 million cleanup deal is at last carved in legal stone after more than a decade of negotiations, and more than three decades on the...