Montanans are no strangers to the sight of a wheat field, with more than 5 millions acres of wheat planted annually across the state. But one acre of wheat in Bozeman asks people to look at it with a different lens: that of a work of art.
With continued drought and high input prices, it’s been a challenging year for Montana wheat farmers.
Speaking at the Western Governor’s Conference in Idaho this week, United Grain Corporation CEO Augusto Bassanini said an increase in grain prices earlier this spring triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has plateaued.
With wheat prices rising, some experts anticipated farmers in Montana would have planted more of it this spring. But a new acreage report shows farmers decided to plant less spring wheat and put more land into barley.
The spring wheat and barley planting is wrapping up in Montana’s Golden Triangle, and the high fertilizer prices are impacting some farmers' planting decisions.
Recent rain and snow improved drought conditions slightly in some parts of Montana. But it may not be enough to green up winter wheat fields that were planted last fall.
Crude oil prices reached an eight-year high this week, nudging past $100 per barrel Thursday after days of tension leading up to the invasion.
As farmers are wrapping up wheat harvest, they are seeing lower yields as a result of drought conditions. But higher wheat prices may help some producers offset the losses.
Trade with China boomed in the U.S. last year after a new trade deal went into effect, one which the Montana Farm Bureau says was great news for Montana...
Montana Governor Steve Bullock announced Friday that farmers in more than a dozen counties will be eligible for federal assistance after significant crop…