Dozens of union leaders and workers flooded the Capitol on Friday to voice their opposition to a so-called “Right to Work” bill.
Starting Oct. 31, all in-person visitation to the State Prison will be suspended until further notice.
August jobs data from the Montana Department of Labor and Industry shows the state is ninth in the nation in percentage of jobs recovered since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The grant will go to Accelerate Montana, a collaboration of organizations led by the University of Montana, to support rapid training and instruction for up to 5,000 Montanans in industry-specific jobs.
The Gianforte administration’s initiative to get Montanans back to work amid the pandemic went mostly unanswered.
Montana’s program designed to encourage people to reenter the workforce during the pandemic is expected to spend about a third of the money set aside for it. State lawmakers agreed on recommendations for how to spend the leftover $10 million.
Many Montana companies are struggling to find suitable workers to fill job openings. Researchers and industry experts at a seminar in Bozeman Wednesday…
Numbers from the Billings school district show about half of students go straight into a four-year college after graduation, but prospects may also be…
Utah and Idaho were the leading states for employment growth over the past year, according to new data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Also...