Millions of dollars to help around 600 out-of-work miners find jobs is headed to Montana, just weeks after the layoffs took effect at the country’s largest producer of platinum and palladium.
At full scale, the company would employ hundreds of workers
The Montana University System is preparing to roll out a new accelerated degree program.
August jobs data from the Montana Department of Labor and Industry shows the state is ninth in the nation in percentage of jobs recovered since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
With the school year starting up, schools in the Billings area are having difficulty finding people to hire for key positions.
Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte says his administration has surpassed a major goal for economic growth during his first year in office: adding 10,000 jobs that pay $50,000 a year. At the same time, rising inflation is cutting into Montanans' earnings.
According to data from the state labor department, in 2021 Montana added nearly 13,000 new jobs that pay above the state’s median wage. That exceeded the governor’s goal to add a net of 10,000 new jobs that pay more than $50,000.
The grant will go to Accelerate Montana, a collaboration of organizations led by the University of Montana, to support rapid training and instruction for up to 5,000 Montanans in industry-specific jobs.
The COVID-19 pandemic took a bigger economic toll on women than men last spring, according to survey results from Montana, North Dakota, Colorado and Utah. The new findings from Montana State University researchers mirrors a national concern about equity in the workforce.
Hundreds of recipients of unemployment insurance through the federal CARES Act are now being asked to give that money back. The Pandemic Unemployment...