The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is considering revising law to clearly outline conservation as one of the multiple uses for public lands.
The land will now become the state’s newest wildlife management area.
On Wednesday, the Kootenai National Forest signaled that it's moving forward on a sprawling and controversial logging project. The U.S. Forest Service...
Public access to roughly 7,200 acres of private timberland in northwest Montana is now permanently protected. State regulators Thursday approved...
National parks, jagged peaks, sprawling forests; Montana is home to more than 30 million acres of public land. Our shared lands are beloved by many...
The Montana Land Board on July 20 approved three Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) land purchases totalling nearly 740 acres.
Montana’s Democratic candidate for governor today unveiled a plan he says will protect public lands and access to them.
Outside PAC money is pouring into Montana's races for Senate and governor - one indication of how competitive those races are. But money isn't the only...
A survey released on Apr. 13 shows a majority of Montanans support public lands, even amid the coronavirus pandemic. Pollsters with the University of…
U.S. land managers say they will release by mid-March a priority list of federal lands that need but don’t have public access.U.S. Bureau of Land…